Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Viruses-smallpox Essay Example for Free

Viruses-smallpox Essay FBI data reveals over 10000 bombings resulting in 355 deaths and over 3ooo injuries between 1990 and 1995. Based on FBI data calculations, approximately 70% of domestic terrorist incidents involve some type of explosives; Analysts need to be aware that explosive devices can be comprised of Ð ° wide variety of materials. The number of chemical, biological, and nuclear attack incidents are not as startling as those of conventional explosives mentioned above. The Center for Non-Proliferation Studies, in Ð ° 2ooo CSIS report, showed that in 1999 there were 175 reports of chemical, biological, and nuclear terrorism, 1o4 of which occurred in the U. S. This was Ð ° dramatic increase over the database findings in February, 2000 of Ð ° total of 687 incidents since 1900. Definitive numbers are difficult to attain. The Center uses the media as its source of information, and it was noted that apparent increases might be attributed to hoaxes and different reporting methods. Regardless of the true numbers, there definitely appears to be an increase in the use or the perceived use of these agents. There are numerous biological agents that can be employed by terrorists. (Rick 2004 96). The U. S.Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases lists the following diseases and biological toxins as potentially suitable for introduction into the population by deliberate dispersal: 1. Bacterial infections-anthrax, cholera, plague, tularemia, and â€Å"Q† fever 2. Viruses-smallpox, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, and viral hemorrhagic fevers 3. Biological toxins-botulinum, staphylococcal enterotoxin B, ricin, and T-2 Mycotoxins Chemical agents have been used in warfare for years, even by law enforcement in the form: 1. Nerve agents-Sarin (GB) 2. Vesicants-Mustard gas (HD, H), Lewisite (L) 3. Lung-damaging agents-Phosgene. 4. Cyanide 5. Riot-control agents-CS and CN Methods of exposure to the biological and chemical agents mentioned above include the following: 1. Absorption (through the skin) 2. Ingestion (swallowing or eating) 3. Inhalation (breathing) 4. Injection (usually through Ð ° hypodermic syringe) The above chemical and biological concerns are critical components for analyzing materials and data, but Ð ° greater concern exists for the first responder. It is one thing to analyze information about WMD, but it is the first responders of the world who will encounter, usually unsuspectingly, chemical and biological agents. Therefore it is essential that information be made immediately available to them as it is discovered, and that they be properly trained in all aspects of this extremely dangerous situation. Many how-to documents are available, some covering chemical and biological agents. In the previously mentioned terrorism training manual document seized in Manchester, England, â€Å"Military Studies in the Jihad against the Tyrants† several poisons were described in detail. Included in this compendium was information on extracts or derivatives of herbal and plant products that can be used to make substances such as ricin. â€Å"During JTF NA, the USAFE/LG staff was organized into control cells to manage the combat support infrastructure, including the distribution system. (Rick 2004 93) With no policy to guide them, these control cells developed new reporting procedures to meet the needs of their customers. Innovative reporting and control processes were critical to the decision-making required to execute combat support as operations escalated. 6 These control cells resemble aspects of the CSC2 TO-BE operational architecture now being implemented. (Robert et al 2004 29)

Monday, January 20, 2020

Divorce and Its Effects on Children :: Divorce Children Marriage Kids Essays

Divorce in our society has become increasingly common. Fifty percent of all marriages will end in divorce and each year 2 million children are newly introduced to their parents separation, (French). Demographers predict that by the beginning of the next decade the majority of the youngsters under 18 will spend part of their childhood in single-parent families, many created by divorce. During this confusing period of turmoil and high emotional intensity, the child must attempt to understand a complex series of events, to restructure numerous assumptions and expectations about themselves and their world. He or she may be uprooted to a new school, city or neighborhood leaving their familiar social ties behind. They must often assume new household duties, possibly feel the financial loss and most importantly receive less support and nurturing from their parents. These are just a few implications of divorce but demonstrates how it changes the lives of children. Each child is unique, so the short and long term functioning of the children after divorce varies widely. Wallerstein and Kelly (1980) observed and interviewed parents and children three times in five years, and reported an estimate of one third of the children come out of divorce unharmed. Another one third function adequately, but experience difficulties, and the remaining one third have severe upsets in their developmental process. However the authors of the "Family in Transition", approach this finding with caution because the conclusions were made without comparing the children of two parent families. Never the less they do note there are overall trends in the functioning of children after divorce. The areas most often discussed are intellectual performance, juvenile delinquency and aggression, social and emotional well-being and cognition and perception, (A & J Skolnick p. 349). Most research shows that boys are more vulnerable than girls to divorce related stress and recover more slowly. A. and J. Skolnick offer the possibility that living with the opposite sex is more difficult than with the same sex and because the custodial parent is often the mother, boys are exposed to this situation more often. Another perspective is that girls are likely to be just as troubled by divorce as boys are, but demonstrate their feelings in a manner that is more appropriate to their sex role, namely by being anxious, withdrawn or very well behaved, (Kaslow and Schwartz p. 164). In examining the data on the factor of age influencing a child's adjustment to divorce, it seems that older and younger children at the time of separation experience different short term effects, but share commonalities in the long term effects.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Ukraine-Russia conflict effect on global commodity prices. There are Domestic Economic Risks, Business Investment- Transition from large drop- off of committed investment. Exports- Project delays, delayed production ramp-up Labor Demand- Weaker labor market conditions from declining resources investment.Housing- Growth will be weaker if dwelling investment does not recover strongly as forecast. Australia has an abundant and diverse range of energy resources. It has very large coal resources that underpin exports and low-cost domestic electricity production, ore than one third of the world's known uranium resources, and substantial conventional gas and coal seam gas resources. These can support Australia's domestic needs and exports for many years to come.Identified resources of crude oil, condensate and liquefied petroleum gas are more limited and Australia is increasingly reliant on imports for transport fuels. The expected advances in technology by 2030 will allow them to make a gr owing contribution to Australia's future energy supply. By this time Australia's energy consumption pattern is expected to change significantly. While fossil fuels (coal, oil and increasingly gas) will intention to dominate the energy mix, renewable energy sources, notably wind, are expected to become increasingly more significant.Korea is Australia's fourth-largest trading partner, and Australia is Koreans seventh largest trading-partner, with trade volumes of approximately $30 billion in 2013, so it's not surprising that both countries are trying to conclude a Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FAT). Given the fact that the energy and resources sector accounts for nearly half of that, it will be particularly important for industry participants to understand the main opportunities that will arise once the FAT is finalized. Lion of iron ore and concentrates, $1. Billion of crude petroleum and $700 million of liquefied natural gas. Koreans largest export to Australia was refined p etroleum, coming in at approximately $3 billion. Official estimates are that Australia provides approximately 75% of Koreans iron ore and around 40% of its coal. According to the Australian Government, the FAT could increase trade between the two countries by 23% by 2030, with 17% attributable to an increase in the trade of energy and resources products. This FAT will improve Australia-Korea economic ties and will protect Post-crisis environment.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

SPSS data analysis in marketing field Free Essay Example, 2250 words

Hypothesis 3 Advertisement has no influence to the decision of choosing the restaurant by the customers Group Statistics X31 -- Ad Recall N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean ID Do Not Recall Ads 307 234.10 131.827 7.524 Recall Ads 143 207.03 124.596 10.419 The appropriate test for testing this hypothesis is independent sample t-test, which is used to find out if there is a difference in the ability of recalling the advertisement in the last 60 days. The null hypothesis: H0:  µYes =  µNo Alternative hypothesis:  µYes≠   µNo In this case,  µ is the mean number of the individuals/participants who have not been matched The ÃŽ ± level: ÃŽ ± = . 05 Since the standard deviation is not known, we opt for t-test instead of z-score test. Descriptive statistics of each group (Yes and No) Group Statistics X31 -- Ad Recall N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean ID Do Not Recall Ads 307 234.10 131.827 7.524 Recall Ads 143 207.03 124.596 10.419 In the table, we have 307 of individual who respondent â€Å"Yes† while 143 respondent â€Å"No† In regards to the table above, the p value of Levenes test is 0.437.In this case, this p value is greater than 0.05 the alpha. Therefore, we will have to use the middle row of the output (‘labeled Equal variances assumed. ’). So we will have to assume that the variances are equal and we need to use the middle row of the output. We will write a custom essay sample on SPSS data analysis in marketing field or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The labeled column ‘‘t’’, provides a calculated t value. In this case the t value is. 437 assuming equal variance. The labeled column df provides the degree of freedom related with the test. In this case we have 448 degrees of freedom. If p ≠¤ ÃŽ ±, then reject H0: 0.437 is not equal or less than we fail to reject the null hypothesis. This means that we failed to observe a difference in the ability of recalling the advertisement for the last 60 days. Hypothesis 4 Age group has an influence on the decision to choosing the restaurant by the customers We have five age groups that include 18-25, 26-34, 35-49, 50-59, 60 and over The null hypothesis: H0:  µ18-25=  µ26-34=  µ35-49 =  µ50-59 =  µ60 and over Alternative hypothesis: H1: not H0 The ÃŽ ± level: ÃŽ ± = . 05 The between subject ANOVA is the one appropriate. Test of Homogeneity of Variances ID Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. .108a 4 442 . 980 a. Groups with only one case are ignored in computing the test of homogeneity of variance for ID. The homogeneity test of variances output tests the H0: ÏÆ'28-25= ÏÆ'235-49 = ÏÆ'250-59 = ÏÆ'260 and over Basing on the results, the p value of 0.98 is greater than the 0.05; we fail to reject the null hypothesis.